Malayalam troll videos and roasting videos are top entertainment factors. Albin Thomas is a popular name heard among Malayalam troll videos and roasting videos. Following are some popular malayalam troll videos. #1 Malayalam troll video- Ubaid ibrahim troll Malayalam #2 Minnal Murali-Malayalam troll video #3 Malayalam roasting video   More will be updated soon

KSFE CHITTY is a popular scheme advertised in print as well as visual media. They shows offers and benefits hiding lot of traps behind the smiling face. You will realize those issues only once you bid or while trying to claim invested money back. This is solely based on personal experience & data collected from those faced similar troubles. KSFE CHITTY -HIDDEN TERMS/ TRAPS 1.KSFE COMMISSION Normally all chitty will claim commission equal to our first installment. Eg: If our monthly installment is 5000, then first installment will be reserved as commission. You may need start bidding from that base price. BUT KSFE have an amount greater than usual offering to discount later. Lets consider the case of…

Clan games rewards for JULY 2020 in clash of clans game is now announced with book of spell, Book of troops ,runn of elixir and much more. Rewards-JULY 2020 BONUS REWARD POINT THRESHOLD Introduced on the Halloween update, you can pick an extra reward from any unlocked tier if you individually reach 4.000 points (max points possible). You can claim 300 GEMS if interested for gems alone by selling these items. UNLOCKING THE LAST TIER To unlock the last tier the Clan must achieve 50.000 points. With the limit of 4.000 points to each member, the clan must have at least 13 active members to unlock the last tier. BOOSTED TASKS These are the Boosted Tasks for this…

How do I switch My DishTV to ST2 Satellite   Step 1 Re-align your outdoor Dish to ST2 Satellite at 88ºE (at present it is aligned to NSS6 Satellite at 95.0ºE) Step 2 Once you re-align your dish do the following in your Set-top box. Step 2 will defer in between D-4005, D-6005, AF-7012S and NXT series set-top boxes Step 2 for D-4005 and D-6005 Set-top boxes 1. Press and hold the “Menu” Key in your remote, while your STB is on a channel (you will get “Signal not found” error, ignore it) 2 .You will be re-directed to Installation Menu 3. In installation menu go to Home Frequency and press 9523 in your remote while home transponder is selected…

Techniques to get the Windows License issue solved So without delaying the latter any further let’s start and get over with it Method #1 Rebooting windows explorer Begin with pressing Ctrl+ Alt + Del. Select the Task Manager. 2. Later the task manager is opened, select the Process tab and there will be a list of numerous ongoing process which is using the RAM. Look for the windows explorer and select it by clicking on it with the right mouse button. 3. The next thing which will appear on the menu that drops down which is to end the task. 4. In the topmost bar which contains three tabs which are File, View, and Options. Select file 5. Later click on Start New Task. 6. The…